Unity Park

Unity Park

It is found inside the Grand Palace compound. The attraction provides you with the chance of experiencing the personal collection of the 19th and 20th centuries Ethiopian Leaders as well as that of the royal family members. Unity Park offers to the visitor the highlights of Ethiopian past political, social and economic history. You have also the chance to see the endemic Abyssinian black mane lion. The renovated compound incorporates several sights of interest to visitors, including an arena, a playground, a zoo three churches, House of Royals and an imperial banquet hall Throne hall.
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Unity Park

It is found inside the Grand Palace compound. The attraction provides you with the chance of experiencing the personal collection of the 19th and 20th centuries Ethiopian Leaders as well as that of the royal family members. Unity Park offers to the visitor the highlights of Ethiopian past political, social and economic history. You have also the chance to see the endemic Abyssinian black mane lion. The renovated compound incorporates several sights of interest to visitors, including an arena, a playground, a zoo three churches, House of Royals and an imperial banquet hall Throne hall.
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